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Find an NLP Coach/Therapist

The following listings are of NLPAA Members who are practicing as NLP Therapists or Coaches. While the NLPAA does not recommend or endorse any of the members listed here, we do believe it is the best place to start looking for your NLP Practitioner.

You will see our Professional Members at the top of the list - and you are likely to see the Professional Member logo on their website. After the Professional Members you will see the Master Practitioner Members - these members have been trained to Level 2 of NLP, followed by Practitioner Members - these members have been trained to Level 1 of NLP. 

The NLPAA membership standards for Professional Members are much higher than many other NLP associations in Australia and through the world. Our Professional Members have trained to at least NLP Master Practitioner level and have been working as NLP professionals for at least 2 years. Additionally, Professional Members adhere to ongoing annual membership requirements including clinical supervision and ongoing professional development. 

NLP Association of Australia Inc.

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