THE NLP ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALIA INC.Integrity | Standards | Community |
Here, you will find a curated list of NLP Trainer Members, each of whom has been rigorously assessed and meets the high standards required by the NLP Association of Australia (NLPAA). Our trainers are not only skilled in delivering top-notch NLP training but are also deeply committed to their own professional development and the broader NLP community in Australia. Whether you are new to NLP or looking to advance your skills, our trainers are equipped to support your learning journey.
Selecting the right NLP trainer is a crucial step in your learning journey, and the NLP Association of Australia (NLPAA) is here to guide you through this process. While the NLPAA does not endorse any specific trainers or courses, we recognize the importance of maintaining high standards in the training offered. To assist prospective students, we have established a set of minimum requirements that all trainers listed on our website must meet. These standards ensure that the training you receive is not only comprehensive but also aligned with the best practices in the field of NLP. By choosing an NLPAA-listed trainer, you can be confident that your trainer has met our stringent criteria, including ongoing learning and community involvement. If you need assistance during your search, the NLPAA is here to help. Start your journey here and get to know our NLPAA Trainer Members, ensuring your training experience is grounded in excellence and integrity. |
NLP Training FAQQ: Is there a requirement of how long a training needs to be? A: Yes, please see our Training Standards for a full outline. In general, NLP Practitioner is required to be at least 7 days in-person and Master Practitioner needs to run over at least 9 days in-person. Q: Can I learn NLP online? A: Yes, but please make sure the training is approved by the NLPAA. We have requirements to ensure any online training meets the international standards and is conducted live (not self-paced) in an online classroom environment. Q: How much does NLP training cost? A: This varies with each training provider, but a standard tuition for Practitioner Certification is around $3500 and Master Practitioner is around $4500. Q: Can the NLPAA recommend an NLP Trainer? A: No, who you choose is a personal choice based on your desires and intentions. We do recommend you research the NLPAA Trainer Members and take time to talk personally with any prospective trainer directly. Q: Does the NLPAA recognise any training not run by NLPAA Trainer Members? A: Absolutely. As long as the trainer and training meets the NLP Training requirements then you are able to join the NLPAA after successfully completing your training with them.
A: Some trainers choose not to align with the NLPAA or support NLP in Australia. This may because they do not want to align with the training requirements, their own training may not be recognised, or they simply may not know about the NLPAA. If you are looking at training with a provider not listed by the NLPAA, we recommend asking them why they are not on the NLPAA website. Q: Can I start coaching after my NLP Practitioner training? A: This would be a great question for your prospective trainer. The short answer is yes, and we also know that you will gain more skills as an NLP Master Practitioner. Some of our NLP Trainer members also provide Coach Certification in addition to NLP Certification.
A: Yes and a list of those we know of are listed below. These trainers may be great at what they do, but for the reasons listed are not recognised by the NLPAA. |
When looking for an NLP Trainer be sure to look for the NLPAA logo to ensure your prospective trainer meets the international training requirements. If we can assist with any questions or clarification please email us at | Trainers Not Recognised by the NLPAAIf recognition and membership in the NLPAA is important to you, to assist you in your search for an NLP trainer we offer you a list of NLP training providers which do not currently meet the NLPAA minimum training requirements either in time, content, trainer qualifications, or breaches in ethical guidelines.